Terms and conditions for participation

The detailed rules of The Best On International Urban Dance Competition will be sent to interested companies.
In any case, it should be noted that the following will be especially valued Choreographic Quality, Technical Level and Creativity of the Show. After having sent the application form, the organisation will make a careful selection of the companies, as the final number of participants is final number of participants is very limited. Once a company has been selected, it is necessary for them to send audiovisual material of their work to the organisation for promotion on social networks and on the website.
and on the website. The companies must be formed by a minimum of 3 dancers and a maximum of 30 professional dancers and must perform a show between 5:30 and 10 minutes (30 seconds ±). The same dancer may not participate in more than two shows. After completing the pre-registration process, the organisation will inform the company if it has been selected.
Registration form

Places for this contest are limited. The companies to participate can be formed by a maximum of 30 professional dancers.
They register for the selection process using the form on the contest website, and must attach the synopsis and the recording of a complete piece with a maximum duration of between 6 and 10 minutes. The selection of the companies is made after viewing and analysis by the organization of the material provided by the applicants, who cannot present more than 1 piece per company.

Of all the proposals received, the organization chooses 15, which are the ones that will perform in the contest, being evaluated in it and live by 3 judges of international prestige within the discipline, these will take into account the choreographic quality and creativity of the assembly to choose the 3 best. With this rigor The Best On has managed to position itself as one of the shows with the highest level and repercussion in all of Europe.


The evaluation criteria by the jury, previously established by the festival management, are:

  • CREATIVITY (50 points) Choreography / difficulty (10 points) · Concept of the piece and transitions between acts and links between themes (10 points) · Dynamics and energy changes (10 points)
  • Originality, characterization and costumes

(10 points)

  • Theme and storytelling, if what you want to convey is understood and reaches the public (10 points)

-TECHNIQUE (50 points)

  • Musicality and tempo (10 points) Use of space and position changes (10 points)
  • Coordination and definition of movement (10 points)
  • Remarkable urban dance base (10 points) Stage presence and confidence (10 points)

Thus, the Creativity section can opt for a maximum of 50 points and the Technique for another 50 points. The total of the two added values ​​is what gives the final score to each participant. Thus, 100 points are the maximum score and 0 the lowest possible. The jury scores at the end of the stage presentation of each piece. After finishing the last performance, the jury retires and begins the counting of scores and the deliberation to assign the corresponding prizes. Once the contest has finished, all the scores are made public on the website and social networks of the contest.